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Titanium pentoxide(Ti3O5)
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Product details
Titanium pentoxide(Ti3O5)

Chinese name: titanium pentoxide

Molecular formula: Ti3O5

Appearance: Black powder

Molecular weight: 79.8658

CAS: 12065-65-5

Density: 4.47g/cm3

Melting point: 1775℃

Transmittance range: 400-12000nm

Refractive index (500nm) : 2.2-2.4

Evaporation conditions: electron gun, oxygenation

Evaporation temperature: 1800-2000℃


Anti-reflection coating:

Titanium pentoxide is often used as an anti-reflection coating because of its high refractive index and good light transmission. By plating a thin layer of Ti3O5 coating on the surface of glass or plastic, light reflection can be significantly reduced and light transmission can be improved, which has important applications in optical devices such as eyeglass lenses and camera lenses.

Mirror coating:

Ti3O5 is also widely used in mirror coatings. Its high reflectivity makes it an ideal material for mirrors in telescopes and laser systems. By depositing a layer of Ti3O5 on the mirror, the reflection efficiency and durability of the mirror can be improved.

Filter coating:

Filters are key components in optical systems that selectively filter specific wavelengths of light. The unique optical properties of titanium pentoxide make it an ideal material for the manufacture of optical filters, especially in multilayer interference filters where the Ti3O5 layer can precisely regulate the transmission and reflection characteristics of light.

Mechanical properties:

The hardness and wear resistance of titanium pentoxide are also excellent. Its Vickers hardness is about 700 HV, making it excellent in high-stress and high-wear environments. Therefore, Ti3O5 is widely used in the field of protective coatings requiring high wear resistance.

Optical properties:

Titanium pentoxide shows excellent properties in terms of optics, with a refractive index of about 2.4, making it ideal for a variety of optical applications. In terms of light transmission, Ti3O5 shows good transmission in the visible and near infrared spectral ranges, especially in the wavelength range of 400 nm to 700 nm.

Previous:Titanium monoxide(TiO)