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Tantalum Boride Powder, TaB2
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Product details
Tantalum Boride Powder, TaB2

Chinese Name: tantalum borate

English Name: tantalum boride (1:1) 

Chemical formula: BTA



Molecular weight: 191.759


Storage method: This product should be sealed and stored in a dry, cool environment, should not be exposed to the air for a long time, prevent moisture agglomeration, affecting the dispersion performance and use effect, should avoid heavy pressure, do not contact with oxidants, according to the general cargo transport.

Product characteristics: metallic luster crystal, with high melting point, wear resistance and high hardness.

1. Tantalum boride biological coating, dense and large area of tantalum boride rich structure coating. This coating is non-toxic, has good biocompatibility and bone inductance, high resistance to body fluid corrosion, and can effectively prevent the release and diffusion of toxic ions inside the medical implant material
2. Used in ultra-high temperature ceramic matrix composites, ultra-high temperature borides mainly include hafnium boride (HfB2), zirconium boride (ZrB2), tantalum boride (TaB2) and titanium boride (TiB2), etc. At present, the research on zirconium boride (ZrB2) and hafnium boride (HfB2) is the most concentrated. Boride UHT ceramics are composed of strong covalent bonds and have the characteristics of high melting point, high hardness, high strength, low evaporation rate, high thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity.

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