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Europium boride (EuB6)
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Product details
Europium boride (EuB6)

Chinese name: europium hexaboride
English name: Europium boride
Chemical formula: EuB6
Molecular weight: 216.88
Lattice constant: 4.1782x10pm
Melting point: 2660℃

Solubility: soluble in anhydrous sulfuric acid and nitric acid mixture (under slightly hot conditions), nitric acid (slightly hot), sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide mixture and 15% sodium hydroxide solution.
Preparation method:
EuB6 was prepared by Eu2O3-B2O3-C system, and the pure phase EuB6 powder was obtained by holding it at 1600°C for 5 h in a tube furnace. The reaction of the system is not completed in one step,Eu2O3 is first converted into the intermediate phase Eu(BO2)3, and then decomposed into EuB2O4 and Eu2B2O5 two kinds of divalent rare earth borate products, and finally EuB2O4 and Eu2B2O5 react with B2O3 and C respectively to finally produce EuB6. The synthesis process is simple, the raw materials are easy to obtain, and it is suitable for batch synthesis.
Uses: As a rare earth metal hexaboride EuB6 material, the escape work is relatively low, high melting point, especially high temperature performance, low evaporation rate, has a relatively superior field emission performance and other advantages. It can be used as a cold cathode electron source in flat panel display, cold cathode luminescent tube, cold cathode light source and so on. Europium boride is used as a neutron absorption material in nuclear reactors and fast breeder reactors, and its life of titanium and hafnium rare earth materials can be extended by 1 times compared with boron carbide.

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