News Location:HomeNews—The outbreak of new energy and the acceleration of "vanadium batteries"
The outbreak of new energy and the acceleration of "vanadium batteries"

On new energy batteries, a battle surrounding the periodic table has begun. From the previous lithium "nouveau riche" to the current vanadium. Vanadium batteries have once again caught people's attention, with the leading Panzhihua Iron and Steel Vanadium Titanium doubling its stock price in nearly 19 trading days. And the sector index has risen by nearly 4%. In the vanadium market, it is basically "whoever obtains vanadium gains the world".

Vanadium batteries use vanadium ions to store and discharge electricity. Objectively speaking, the popularity of vanadium batteries is inseparable from the overall upward trend of the new energy industry. However, many experts also point out that "energy storage" is the core of the development of the new energy industry, not "power generation". The root cause of this still lies in "peak shaving", and currently, we can only rely on energy storage to solve this problem. But currently, the main energy storage method is pumped storage, which is like a large power bank. At this time, it is necessary to equip some "small and medium-sized power banks", which is very necessary. The safety of building energy storage power stations is closely related to capacity. Vanadium batteries can be summarized as follows: "What is safer than it cannot be installed, but what can be installed is not as safe as it is;" Moreover, compared with other batteries, vanadium batteries are simpler like a clear current component.
In addition, with the rapid growth of new energy, the demand for installed capacity and energy storage is also increasing. The previously released "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage" mentioned that in 2025, the installed capacity of energy storage will exceed 30GW, except for pumped storage, and it is necessary to upgrade energy storage from commercialization to scale. In addition, compared with lithium batteries, China's vanadium reserves and production are the world's largest, and resources are controllable. Under such circumstances, vanadium batteries naturally become popular.

Advantages of vanadium batteries
1. High safety: There is no risk of explosion or fire, which cannot be compared to other batteries. Energy storage safety comes first.
2. High efficiency: Its catalytic activity is high, with an energy conversion rate of over 75%, compared to only 45% in lead-acid batteries.
3. High power: It can increase power by increasing the number and area of individual batteries, and currently the operating power abroad can reach 6 megawatts.
4. Instant charging: Changing the electrolyte can achieve instant charging.
5. Fast response: Switching between discharging and charging during operation takes only 0.02 seconds.
6. Low cost: Most of it is a cheap material, abundant, easy to recycle, and has low cost, including vanadium.
Under these advantages, vanadium batteries are expected to achieve rapid improvement in new energy storage technologies in the future, helping to achieve rapid growth in installed capacity. A major "priority" for future energy storage is also the reason why people are optimistic about vanadium batteries.
With the sharp increase in the amount of vanadium used for energy storage, it is predicted that the global vanadium supply gap will be around 30000 tons in 2025, and the gap may reach 96000 tons by 2030, which undoubtedly stimulates the vanadium industry chain.

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